Kybella® Injections

There are several reasons why individuals may experience fullness below the chin, such as genetics or weight gain. Patients may refer to the submental fullness as a double chin. For the majority of patients, the face and neck are one of the first areas to be affected by weight gain, with fat forming around the jawline, chin, and neck. For those who struggle with loose skin or unwanted fat below the chin, Kybella facial injections may be a viable solution.

Kybella treatment dramatically reduce fatty deposits which provides patients with a streamlined and contoured jawline. To determine your eligibility for Kybella treatment, contact Poser Plastic Surgery Center today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Poser. We offer all-encompassing cosmetic surgery in Gainesville, FL, to address a wide range of cosmetic issues and medical problems, including solutions for the face, body, breast, and more.

How Does Kybella Work?

Kybella is a man-made substance that was created to breakdown fat when injected into the area below the chin. The composition of Kybella is similar to that of deoxycholic acid, which dissolves fat into particles that are absorbable in the intestines. As time passes more fat cells are destroyed and expelled via the natural waste system — patients will see results develop over time. However, this procedure is a successful alternative to other surgical procedures, such as liposuction. Dr. Poser may suggest other injectables to be used in conjunction with Kybella, such as Botox or Juvéderm, to create the desired appearance.

Who Are Candidates For Kybella?

Patients with submental fullness are candidates for this procedure. Fullness or fat below the chin often results in patient self-consciousness and may cause patients to appear older than their actual age. Patients in otherwise good health, those over 18 years of age, and those who experience fat below the chin greatly benefit from Gainesville, FL Kybella injections. To determine candidacy for treatment, contact Poser Plastic Surgery Center.

Kybella Injection Procedure

Kybella injections are considered an outpatient, non-surgical procedure. On the day of treatment, Dr. Poser will sanitize the area below the chin and administer a numbing solution onto the skin located beneath the chin. Dr. Poser will outline the treatment area using a medical grid and insert each injection at the outlined site. Our Gainesville plastic surgeon will determine the number of injections required for treatment — patients may require anywhere from 10 injections to 50 injections per visit depending on the amount of fatty tissue present and the overall aesthetic goal. Treatment may take 30 minutes to complete.

What Are The Risks Of Kybella?

There are possible risks of adverse side effects with every procedure. With Kybella, there are risks of facial muscle weakness or nerve injury. Common side effects include soreness; bruising; swelling; and redness at the injection sites. There is also the possibility of hardening or numbness of the tissue within the treatment area. Some patients report difficulty swallowing after the procedure, but this usually dissipates within a short period.

Recovery Time After Kybella Treatment

Patients may need more than one Kybella treatment and most treatments are scheduled approximately four weeks apart. Particularly after the first treatment, patients may need to refrain from typical activities for up to two weeks. The subsequent treatments and discomfort from treatment typically lessen with each session. The majority of patients can expect to see improvement in submental fullness after their second session.



INDICATION KYBELLA® (deoxycholic acid) injection is indicated for improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat in adults.

The safe and effective use of KYBELLA® for the treatment of subcutaneous fat outside the submental region has not been established and is not recommended.

CONTRAINDICATIONS KYBELLA® is contraindicated in the presence of infection at the injection sites.

Warnings and Precautions

MARGINAL MANDIBULAR NERVE INJURY Cases of marginal mandibular nerve injury manifested as an asymmetric smile or facial muscle weakness were reported in 4% of subjects in the clinical trials; all cases resolved spontaneously (range 1-298 days, median 44 days). KYBELLA® should not be injected into or in close proximity to the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve.

DYSPHAGIA Dysphagia occurred in 2% of subjects in the clinical trials in the setting of administration-site reactions, eg, pain, swelling, and induration of the submental area; all cases of dysphagia resolved spontaneously (range 1-81 days, median 3 days). Avoid use of KYBELLA® in patients with current or prior history of dysphagia as treatment may exacerbate the condition.

INJECTION-SITE HEMATOMA/BRUISING In clinical trials, 72% of subjects treated with KYBELLA® experienced hematoma/bruising. KYBELLA® should be used with caution in patients with bleeding abnormalities or who are currently being treated with antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy as excessive bleeding or bruising in the treatment area may occur.

RISK OF INJECTING INTO OR IN PROXIMITY TO VULNERABLE ANATOMIC STRUCTURES To avoid the potential of tissue damage, KYBELLA® should not be injected into or in close proximity (1 cm-1.5 cm) to salivary glands, lymph nodes, and muscles.

ADVERSE REACTIONS The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the pivotal clinical trials were: injection site edema/swelling, hematoma/bruising, pain, numbness, erythema, and induration.