Microdermabrasion Treatments for Better Looking Skin

Brighten your face and get rid of damaged skin with microdermabrasion.

The skin on our face is exposed to harmful sun rays, pollution, harsh winds and sometimes harsh products that we use to treat acne, shave or brighten/lighten skin. Even a decade of commuting daily on public transportation can take its toll on our skin, making it appear dull and dirty. And of course the natural process of aging can leave skin sagging or tight, sapped of natural moisturizers. One way you can get back the beautiful skin of your youth is through a non-invasive microdermabrasion procedure.

Microdermabrasion Procedures in Gainesville

Microdermabrasion is a simple technique used to rejuvenate skin and give it a more radiant, youthful appearance. This refreshed look is achieved by removing the outermost layer of your skin which can be largely comprised of dead and damaged skin cells. By removing this layer of skin, Dr. Poser can even skin tones, lessen the appearance of scars, lighten dark spots and eliminate wrinkles.

Even patients who exfoliate regularly will be in awe of the results from a single session of microdermabrasion. And at Poser Plastic Surgery Center, we don’t just stop at the face. Microdermabrasion can be performed on the neck, chest, hands and back to remove sunspots, lessen the appearance of sun damage and diminish enlarged pores. For patients who struggle to hide embarrassing scars, microdermabrasion is a safe way to remove raised scars, and can help even scars that are slightly sunken. For severe acne scarring, the best results occur after several treatments.

Microdermabrasion has many benefits in addition to helping your skin appear brighter and younger. Patients will experience an increase in cell regeneration in the affected areas, as well as improved production of skin collagen. The new outer layer of skin will also be more susceptible to topical products, so patients often see that topical moisturizers, creams and toners have greater results.

The Microdermabrasion Process Explained

Have you ever heard of a “lunchtime peel”? Microdermabrasion procedures are quick, easy to perform, and relatively painless for patients. There is no recovery time needed, and patients are able to return to work following a procedure, hence the nickname. Some patients may experience mild side effects, such as slight pain, redness and tightness of the skin as though you have a sunburn. These are common side effects that usually subside within a day or two.

Microdermabrasion can be performed a few different ways:

  • using streams of aluminum oxide or zinc oxide crystals

  • using very fine, organic particles

  • using a rotating rough surface, similar to sandpaper that is safe for skin

Most patients turn to microdermabrasion treatments because the results are immediate. Even with one treatment, patients can see a difference in the way their skin looks and feels, as the old skin is removed and softer skin is revealed. For the treatment of scarring, dark pigmentation and other damaged skin concerns, multiple sessions may be required. While some patients can see marked improvements in as few as 4 sessions, more advanced cases of dark spots or scarring may need as many as 6 treatments. Talk with Dr. Poser about your skin concerns and find out if microdermabrasion is right for you.

Gainesville Office Locations

Poser Plastic Surgery Center has three office locations across North Central Florida for the convenience of our patients. If you’re interested in rejuvenating your skin, and getting rid of the damaged skin cells that are keeping your skin looking tired and dingy, then contact one of our offices. The caring staff of each of our locations is well-trained and experienced in providing the best possible cosmetic procedures in Florida. If you have questions about microdermabrasion, contact us today.