Thigh Lift & Thigh Reduction

Having slim, sculpted thighs doesn't have to be just a dream. If you aren't getting the results you want from diet and exercise, then a thigh lift might be right for you. Patients turn to thigh lift, or thigh reduction surgery, to remove excess fat and tissue from their thighs that they can't seem to get rid of through diet and exercise. Gainesville plastic surgery performed by Dr. Poser will both remove the patient’s unwanted fat and make firm the muscles in the upper thigh region through medial thigh lift, inner thigh lift or bilateral thigh lift.

Three Types Of Thigh Lift Surgery

During the initial consultation, Dr. Poser will discuss with patients their goals for cosmetic surgery and help them choose among the three types of thigh reduction and thigh lift surgery.

  • Inner thigh lift: This operation removes fat and tissue from the inner part of the thigh. It's often done for older patients who have lost suppleness in this part of the body.
  • Bilateral thigh lift: A bilateral thigh lift tightens the skin on the outside and on the front of the thigh to create a firm appearance through removed fat and thigh tissues.
  • Medial thigh lift: This procedure trims unwanted tissue and fat from the upper part of the patient's inner thigh, generally when fat cannot be removed with diet and exercise.

Thigh Lift & Reduction Procedure

During the thigh lift surgery, the patient will have a sedative delivered intravenously. The doctor will then make an incision, and the placement of the incision will depend on the type of surgery. With an inner thigh lift, the surgeon will make the incision at the meeting of the pubic area and the thigh.

Portions of skin and fat will be removed, and the skin in the area will be tightened. A thigh lift surgery usually lasts for about three hours. The incisions will be closed with both internal sutures and external sutures and they will then be covered with dressings and bandages, and the patient will also be fitted with compression bandages to ensure optimal healing.

Candidates For Thigh Lift Surgery

People who are candidates for thigh lift surgery and thigh reduction surgery are otherwise healthy and have realistic expectations regarding the expected results of the procedure. During the initial consultation, Dr. Poser will review the patient's medical history and take body measurements to determine the best treatment.

Patients who are deemed eligible for the thigh lift procedure may also consider additional surgeries to be performed in conjunction with the thigh lift to best meet the patient's desired aesthetic, such as mommy makeover, such as body lift, tummy tuck, panniculectomy, and buttock augmentation.

Thigh Lift Recovery Time

As with many types of cosmetic surgeries, the patient will experience some bruising and swelling during the initial days of recovery. The external stitches will be removed after about one week, and the internal stitches will be taken out after two weeks. The date in which patients may return to work will vary depending on which type of thigh lift procedure was performed, whether or not any additional Gainesville body plastic surgery procedures were performed, and factors specific to the patient's specific healing progress.