Tuberous Breast Correction In Gainesville

Tuberous breast syndrome, or tubular breast syndrome, is a condition which results from congenital deformity. This deformity typically occurs during the process of breast bud maturation when the breasts fail to properly develop. If you suffer from tuberous breast syndrome, you may be eligible for tuberous breast corrective surgery with our Gainesville plastic surgeon. For more information or the wide range of options for breast surgery in Gainesville offered by Poser Plastic Surgery Center or to schedule a consultation for tuberous breast corrective surgery, contact us today.

What Is Tuberous Breast Syndrome?

Tuberous breast syndrome is a congenital condition which affects a large portion of both men and women. This condition causes the deformation of the breasts and can result in a wide variety of unusually shaped breasts and malformed areolas. Deformities often affect the symmetry of the breasts, which can have an impact on the patient’s self-image.

Because of this, cosmetic surgery may be used as a method of tuberous breast deformity correction. In a tuberous deformity, the volume of the breast tissue may be adequate or deficient and it is concentrated directly below the nipple, while the lower part of the breast has failed full development. The breasts may appear to be long and narrow.

Why Does Tuberous Breast Syndrome Occur?

Though the exact cause of tuberous breast syndrome is unknown, there are a number of theories regarding the reason for the occurrence. Tuberous breast syndrome is a congenital abnormality that may be genetically passed onto children, even if both parents do not show signs of the condition. Tuberous breasts may possibly be connected to a genetic collagen disorder, but there is no confirmation of the exact cause of this disorder.

How Is Tuberous Breast Syndrome Treated?

Gainesville plastic surgeons may offer a variety of treatment options for tuberous breast syndrome. Breast augmentation is just one of the options for treatment, but it is not always necessary. The treatment of tuberous breasts requires more precision and specialized care —  depending on the severity of the condition — than with traditional breast augmentation surgery. Not only will the breasts be reshaped through the use of breast implants, but the areolas and nipples may require repair and realignment to create the desired symmetry. A breast lift procedure may also be performed as a treatment to tuberous breast condition or, if preferred by the patient, the breast lift surgery may be combined with the breast augmentation surgery.

What Are The Signs Of Tuberous Breast Syndrome?

Individuals who have tuberous breast syndrome have breasts which may appear unusual in shape and with a narrow base. The breasts may droop and there may be an enlargement to the nipple and areola regions. Other common features of tuberous breast syndrome include a relatively small breast size with a narrow breast base at the chest, a wide space in between the breasts, and puffy or protruding areolas. In addition, the fold located beneath the affected breast or breasts sits in a high position, which creates a higher degree of distortion to the breast shape. If you believe that you have tuberous breast syndrome, contact us to schedule a consultation. If confirmed, Dr. Poser will help you choose a treatment option.

Is Tuberous Breast Correction Part Of A Mommy Makeover?

A considerable portion of female patients reports the presence of tubular breasts following giving birth and breastfeeding, which may appear more deflated following the birth of a child. Tubular breast corrective surgery through breast augmentation surgery and/or breast lift surgery is a common component of the mommy makeover. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Poser to discuss the available options for cosmetic rejuvenation through plastic surgery.

Recovery From Tuberous Breast Surgery

While recovering from tuberous breast correction surgery, the patient must sleep on their back to ensure that the breasts remain aligned while healing. Patients should also wait three days before showering. Thereafter, patients are instructed to remove their bandages and shower slowly, patting the breast region dry as gently as possible. It is recommended that patients wear a surgical bra following the procedure, though it is not required in every case. Dr. Poser will guide you through each step of the recovery process and ensure that you are equipped with all of the required information to ensure proper healing and the resulting successful results.

What Are The Risks Of Surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, tuberous breast correction does come with its own set of risks. One such risk is a hematoma, in which the pocket containing the new implant continues to bleed after surgery. The risk for the occurrence of hematoma is minor, but if it does occur, the excess blood may require surgical removal. Infection is another potential risk involved with tuberous breast correction. This risk is greatly reduced with the use of antibiotics.

However, if the infection continues, the implant must be removed until the patient has fully healed. In some cases, patients may lose feeling in their breasts and nipples. This occurs in some cases in which the nerves are severed during surgery, and as a result, a considerable amount of time may be required for the new nerves to adequately restore sensation. The potential risks of surgery will be discussed during the consultation.